Renato Bosshart

Born in Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Living in Zürich, Switzerland
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Work experience

Wey Group AG

Head of Software Development. Responsible for all software projects of the company. Coordinating the teams, developing applications and consulting other departments.

Digitec Galaxus AG

Software-Engineer. As part of the Search-Team, I was responsible for the infrastructure of the search index and developing the software.

Markus Flühmann AG

Junior Software-Engineer. Responsible for developing new applications and improving existing Applications. I was also responsible for all the physical and virtual servers

Schaffhauser Kantonalbank

Internship. Responsible for IT-Support

My open source Projects

Magic Whiteboard

Bachelor thesis. This is using a webcam to analyze a projected image on a screen and enabeling the presenter to move an emulated mouse by moving a led across the projection.


A website for sharing pictures and movies from a network share. For each user the maximum resolution and optional watermarks can be configured.


Home automation for multiple Raspberry Pi modules. It has multiple sensors and logging integrated and can control RGB-Lightstrips. All LEDs can be configured individually and multiple presets and wifi buttons or mobile apps can be configured

Gesture detector

Semester thesis. A framework for detecting gestures with microsoft Kinect. It can control a mouse and or Keyboard with different configurable gestures.


Different configurable 3D models for printing. Also on Thingiverse


Controlling a solder oven using an Arduino.

Competitions & Apps

Azure Sphere

I made a framework for controlling Led strips with the Azure sphere IoT environment.


A simple life point counter for windows phone and Windows 8. Was one of the first 20 apps in Switzerland and won a competition by Microsoft.

Different Windows phone apps

I made different apps for Windows phone and Windows 8. A translator for swiss coordinates and map for the online game "Guild Wars 2". These apps won prices for two Microsoft competitions

Professional Achievements

Wey Group AG

Recreated the company's main product in C# with a web-interface. The software is used for controlling and configuring all the proprietary devices at the customers installation.

Search tooling at Digitec Galaxus

I built a framework to automatically deploy and scale big search cluster environments in different clouds for the companies online shop search.

Markus Flühmann AG

I created a custom printing process, creating all necessary documents for shipping with the different customers layouts and printing on the configured printers.


  • Travelling
  • Photography
  • Cooking
  • Science
  • Technology
  • History
  • Gaming
  • 3D-Printing
  • Trumpet


Ordered by proficiency
  • Swiss-German
  • German
  • English
  • French
  • Chinese
  • Italian
  • Latin
  • Ancient Greek
  • Japanese

Repair Café

I'm a founding member of the Repair Café Säuliamt in Affoltern am Albis. We help people repair their devices, clothes, furniture and other things. Waste is one of the biggest problems for the environment and extending the lifespan of items is a great way to reduce pollution. My role is electronics and electrical repair specialist.


During my school time I was participating in the youth music of the area. We participated at the European Youth music festivals Malmö, Sweden and Budapest, Hungary.
After that I played in Schaffhausen city music and the local music in Affoltern am Albis, Zürich


I organized and presented a meetup for Elastic Switzerland in Zürich. We presented our search solution at ETH for interested students.

